Amazing tale of true love despite disabilities

When we think about true love and marriage, many images come to mind of a happy couple enjoying the best times of their livessnell together. People from all walks of life fall in love every day and couples with disabilities and limitations are no different. Mike and Jane Snell of New Milton have just celebrated an amazing 10 years of wedding bliss with their family and friends at a barbeque celebration. The Snell’s are a unique couple in their 50’s with special needs that have never gotten in the way of their relationship. Jane’s most memorable moment of her wedding day was having her 95-year old mother in attendance to witness her father walk her down the aisle. The couple reminisces about their Honeymoon spent in Bournemouth and the times spent in the Butlins. The Snell’s have fond memories of their wedding reception at a local pub. Family and friends took the honor and privilege of managing the event planning duties ranging from photography, driving, down to making the bridesmaid dresses. read more

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There are a number of couples who have suffered from many disabilities in learning and love. People say love binds people together as it grows with time but this has never worked out for people with disabilities. Some are forced into marriages that they don’t understand how it is a hidden problem that people don’t talk about in the recent times. Observations and data has been collected and research has shown that there is lack of awareness of forced marriages instead information is being received from people who have experienced such cases. There is a report of forced marriages in many countries. More women with disabilities are getting married as others are already married. read more

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